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Lectura, interpretación y uso del etiquetado nutricional en la decisión de compra de adultos de un barrio de Asunción

Introduction. Nutritional labeling informs the consumer about the type and content of nutrients, favoring the appropriate selection according to their needs or health conditions. Objective. Evaluate the reading, interpretation and use of nutritional food labeling in the purchase decision of adults from the Villa Morra neighborhood of Asunción consulted in June 2018. Materials and methods. Cross-sectional descriptive study, with the application of a structured questionnaire through an interview, with questions about sociodemographic data, reading frequency, reasons for reading or not, use of nutritional labeling, content reviewed by the consumer, interpretation of the terms contribution and Percentage of Daily Value (%DV) and agreement with the implementation of front labeling. Results. Of 100 interviewees, 73% reported reading (always and sometimes) the nutritional labeling, 48% of these use it for the selection and purchase of food and 75% of the general population you do not know or do not interpret the terms of portion and %DV. The reasons associated with reading were "concern about the health of their family" (36%), "being on a diet" (33%), and "curiosity" (23%); not reading was referred to for reasons such as "due to lack of time" (61.7%) and "because it is not well visible, it is very small" (28%); 91% think implementation of the front labeling of food as an alert method is necessary. Conclusion. The reading of nutritional labeling is frequent, but its correct interpretation and use is not, which is why it is urgent to establish educational campaigns aimed at the population and implement front labeling to facilitate and speed up reading and interpretation.

Open Access
Características clínico-epidemiológicas de pacientes fallecidos por COVID-19 en un hospital de referencia en Paraguay entre enero de 2021 a julio de 2022

Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic from its beginning until August 13, 2022, has caused 19,478 deaths in Paraguay with a fatality rate of 2.78%. The objective of the study is to compare the characteristics of patients who died from COVID-19 in two years, January-December 2021 and January-July 2022. Material and Method. A retrospective cross-sectional analytical study of adult and pediatric patients who died from COVID-19 hospitalized in the respiratory area of the hospital. The patients were confirmed by RT-PCR in nasopharyngeal swabs. Results. Out of 5265 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, 1512 died, yielding an overall lethality rate of 28.7%, in 2021 was 26.3% (1164/4423) and 41.3% (348/842) in 2022. There was a higher percentage of men (53, 6%) among the deceased, significantly higher (p=0.045) in 2022 (58.3%) than in 2021 (52.2%); 69% of the deceased were over 60 years of age in 2022 and 48.3% in 2021; 79.2% of the patients had some risk factor, significantly higher in 2022 (84.3%) than in 2021 (77.7%), especially in AHT (54.3% vs 42.2%), heart disease (15.8% vs 9.7%), CKD (14.4% vs 5.4%), COPD (11.5% vs 5.4%), immunodeficiency (6.3% vs 2.5%) and neurological disease (3.4% vs 1.5%). The need for MRA was significantly (p <0.001) higher in 2022 (50.3%) than in 2021 (31.1%). Conclusion. A high global lethality rate was observed in a reference hospital in Paraguay with mortality predictors similar to those reported worldwide.

Open Access
Relevant laboratory parameters in patients at hospital admission between July 2020 and October 2021 due to covid-19 at the Tesãi Foundation Hospital

Introducción: en la lucha contra el COVID-19 es urgente la identificación de predictores de laboratorio en la progresión de formas graves y fatales. Objetivo: describir las alteraciones de los parámetros de laboratorio de pacientes con COVID 19 ingresados ​​al Hospital Fundación Tesãi de Ciudad del Este-Paraguay en el período de julio de 2020 a octubre de 2021. Métodos: estudio retrospectivo, utilizando los registros de 103 pacientes ingresados ​​al hospital por diagnóstico de COVID 19. Se recolectaron datos demográficos, clínicos y de laboratorio al ingreso hospitalario. Resultados: el 53,4% de los pacientes era del sexo masculino, edad media de 62,3±15,4 años y el 43,6% ingresó por neumonía. El 54,3% presentaba linfopenia, el 26% trombocitopenia y el 27% anemia. En el perfil hepático y renal, el 37,9% tenían niveles elevados de urea, el 56,3% niveles elevados de GOT, 26% y 61% niveles elevados de GPT y GGT, respectivamente. En cuanto a los biomarcadores, el 80 % tenía niveles elevados de LDH, el 34 % niveles elevados de dímero D, el 100 % proteína C reactiva elevada, el 43,7 % procalcitonina elevada y el 89,3 % ferritina elevada. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p<0,05) según el sexo en los parámetros de hemoglobina, hematocrito, creatinina y el índice LMR. Conclusión: los pacientes presentaron diversas alteraciones en casi todos los parámetros evaluados, resultados que ofrecen un panorama general del estado de salud con el que ingresa el paciente con COVID 19 al hospital.

Open Access
Calidad de vida y capacidad funcional en pacientes con artritis reumatoide de una asociación de Paraguay 2022

Introduction. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease characterized by joint pain, fatigue, functional disability and contributes to the patient's depression. Objective. to evaluate the quality of life and functional capacity in patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis of the members of the Association of Arthritis Warriors in the year 2022 in Paraguay. Methods. Observational cross-sectional analytical study that included 200 patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, selected with a non-probabilistic sampling. The measurement was made through the Spanish version of "quality of life (QOL-RA)" and "disability (HAQ)" questionnaires. Results. The instruments had a Cronbach's alpha of 0.842 and 0.972, respectively. The participants were mostly females (89.5%), mean age of 47.5 years and a mean duration of the disease 14.07 years. The subscales that most affected quality of life were pain, tension, health and arthritis and the highest quality of life was observed in help and interaction. In relation to functional capacity, less difficulty was observed in dressing and hygiene, and greater difficulty in grasping, walking and getting up. Patients presented a quality of life with a mean of 6.61. There was a moderate significant inverse correlation (r=0.598) between quality of life and functional capacity. Conclusion. Patients presented a good quality of life and slight disability. There was a moderate significant inverse correlation between quality of life and functional capacity.

Open Access
Intervención de enfermería en factores de riesgo del síndrome metabólico: Protocolo de estudio

Background: The metabolic syndrome is considered a public health problem, especially in the female population, conditioning the presence of cardiovascular diseases. Objective: To determine the effect of a nursing intervention based on self-care aimed at improving the control of clinical factors of the Metabolic Syndrome and health-related quality of life in women in the climacteric stage. Method and analysis: A quasi-experimental design study with a non-equivalent control group lasting 3 months in 80 women with clinical factors of the Metabolic Syndrome. The control group will receive the usual care from the health center. The control group will receive the usual care of the health center. The experimental group will continue to receive the usual care and will additionally receive a nursing intervention based on self-care that will consist of 3 individual counseling sessions with technological support from a mobile phone application, 2 virtual group sessions and 36 online physical activity sessions. Outcome measures will include anthropometric parameters, vital signs, Menopause Rating Scale and International Physical Activity Questionnaire. It is expected that after the Nursing intervention based on self-care, women in the experimental group will decrease the parameters of abdominal circumference, blood pressure and improve health-related quality of life and level of physical activity.

Open Access